Silent Hill

Silent Hill is a well known franchise that includes films, video games and comics.The first Silent Hill was released in 1999, which was the first of 8 video games to come. There has also been 6 spin-off video games and 3 re-released games. (source)
What interested me and led me to research the Silent Hill was because of how it is popularly known to have creepy, horrific monsters awaiting the gamer, and how it is an iconic game for survival horror genres. The monsters of Silent Hill are often the main antagonists, and are said to be created when a characters repressed thoughts are manifested by the 'power' behind the town of Silent Hill. 
Most of the Silent Hill monsters are adaptations of the human form where it has been slightly altered to create inhuman monsters. The fact that they are ruthless and devoid of human features (mostly) and human emotions is what adds to them being so creepy. The monsters are often drawn with dark colours to relate to the bleakness of the video game, and this also relates to ideas of the un-dead. Looking at monsters from Silent Hill, I  based some of my earliest ideas on taking the human form and making it look monstrous (as found with some of the images I drew in the beginning of my A3 portfolio) and looking into these also helped when I was planning my main characters image in my comic book, when I was deciding what he mouth would appear to be like. I chose to have a large, dripping mouth with many teeth due to how horrific this looks, and how it could be associated with looking violent. The idea of looking violent was inspired by Silent Hill, due to the violent nature of the monsters of Silent Hill and the way they look.
As seen in the image above, most of the Silent Hill monsters have menacing poses, inhuman features and weaponry, relating how my main character's teeth could be considered weaponry, and this could relate to the fear behind weapons and play on the fact that the audience may fear such things.
Pyramid Head: one of the most iconic Silent Hill monsters