Salad Fingers

Salad Fingers is an animation series created in 2004 which gained rapid popularity in 2005 via the internet. The cartoon revolves around the character Salad Fingers, a thin green, mentally troubled humanoid who inhabits a desolate world. His long strangely shaped fingers are his most notable feature, and is unable or unwilling to distinguish between living beings and inanimate objects, and is frequently found talking to various inert articles (such as finger puppets). He lives alone in a small shack, and can speak fluent french. He sometimes displays raspy asthmatic-like breathing when mesmerised with something or experiences extreme pleasure. (source)
Salad Fingers style of animation is drawn in quite an 'eery' way, through the hunched back and distorted human characteristics such as long fingers and exaggerated facial features. The lack of detail used to create Salad Fingers makes it seem almost like a child has drawn it, adding to the 'creepy' factor that it contains. 
In terms of the background and personality of Salad Fingers as a character, the research and traits he has are very in depth and thought out, and this depth of character development is something that I want to aspire to create within my own work and my own final piece. 
The  use of internet as a media used for Salad Fingers is successful due to how this increases his popularity (in terms of how popularity would be lessened if he was part of a zine or comic or book) and it shows that creator David Firth has taken advantage of this platform of media, spreading his episodes of Salad Fingers across several different websites.