'Disturbing' Graphic Novels Research 1: Maus

Maus (Art Spiegelman)

MAUS is a graphic novel from 1991, which tells the story of Spiegelman interviewing his father about his experiences as a Holocaust survivor. The book is said to use 'post modern techniques, such as its deception of races of humans as different kinds of animals' (Jew's are mice, Germans are cats, and non-Jewish Poles as pigs). (source) 

The way that Spiegelman uses illustration makes the story seem more chilling, due to the monochrome colouring and use of animals to exaggerate the racism between Germans and Jews at the time of World War II. This makes the comic seem more controversial to the public viewing, and the idea of a comic being so hard-hitting and deeply scary and touching through themes and topics that the public find upsetting is an idea that I could consider for my own work with graphic novels and comics.